Presale FAQ

FOSAA Friend Members and Sponsors receive presale notices from once the Amp box office sends it to FOSAA. The timing and availability of presales is determined by the Tour. 

Do not call the box office.

If you are a Friend member or sponsor and you did not receive your presale email notice, please check the following:

  • Presale notices are sent typically the evening before the presale begins. The presale announcements are sent once the box office sends the information to FOSAA.
  • Presale notices are sent from Check your spam or junk folder.

There may be several different reasons you are unable to purchase tickets in the presale. Do not contact the box office.

  • Password Sharing- If you have shared your password, someone else may have utilized your information to access the presale. Once a transaction is completed during the presale, no more ticket purchases are allowed under the passcode during the presale time.
  • Presale is not yet open or has closed. Presales for sponsors may be on Wednesday or Thursday. Presales for Friend members is typically on Thursday. The emailed presale notice will explain the dates and times the presale will be available.
  • The Tour has not provided for a presale. Presale availability, dates and times are controlled by the Tour.
  • For more assistance contact FOSAA member services at

Guitar Raffle FAQ

Raffle tickets are $10 each, or 3 for $25.

Raffle tickets can be purchased with cash, or with all major credit cards.

Please note: Ticket purchases are considered a donation. Purchasers who need a receipt for their records can get one at the F.O.S.A.A. booth at the Amphitheatre.

You do not need to be present to win. Winners who do not pick up the guitar locally must pay for all shipping costs associated with delivery of the guitar to their requested location.

Volunteer FAQ

Join FOSAA's efforts to bring excellent arts and cultural events to the community! If you'd like to volunteer with FOSAA please see the Get Involved page.

FOSAA is distinct organization from St. Johns County and its venues. If you'd like to volunteer with FOSAA please see the Get Involved page.

FOSAA volunteers would have to apply separately to the County to volunteer at the Amphitheatre or Ponte Vedra Concert Hall.

If you are interested in volunteering with the Board of Directors of FOSAA, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page.